Mar 21, 2013

o tabaco da vida

Mario Quintana
Tennessee Williams
Mark Twain
John Steinbeck
Albert Camus
W. H. Auden
Andre Malraux
 Albert Camus
 Gilles Deleuze
Antoine Saint-Exupéry

Mar 9, 2013

opium smokers

German Students at the University of Heidelberg, 1900

High Priest

High Priest By Timothy Leary
1995 | 384 Pages | ISBN: 0914171801 | EPUB | 5 MB

Back in print after 20 years, this text from the earliest days of psychedelia chronicles the experiences on 16 acid trips taken before LSD was illegal. The trip guides or "high priests" included Aldous Huxley, Ram Dass, Ralph Meltzner, Huston Smith and a junkie from New York City named Willy. It tells of the goings-on and freaking out at the Millbrook mansion in New York State that became the Mecca of psychedelia during the 1960s, and of the many luminaries who made their pilgrimage there to trip with Leary and his group. Chapters include an I Ching reading and a chronicle of what happened during those "spacewalks" of the mind.

Jan 21, 2013

Vintage Wine

According to the Sears, Roebuck and Co. Consumers' Guide (1900), their extraordinary Peruvian Wine of Coca...

"...sustains and refreshes both the body and brain....It may be taken at any time with perfect has been effectually proven that in the same space of time more than double the amount of work could be undergone when Peruvian Wine of Coca was used, and positively no fatigue experienced....."

         Some 99% of contemporary Western users mix cocaine and ethyl alcohol. Cocaine and alcohol combine to form another hugely reinforcing compound, cocaethlyene. Coca-use only really took off in the West when it was blended with an alcoholic beverage.

        The real soaraway success in Europe was Vin Mariani. Launched in 1863, it was an extremely palatable coca wine developed by the Corsican entrepreneur, Angelo Mariani (1838-1914). Mariani first tried his new tonic on a depressed actress. The results were spectacular. She soon told all her friends. Mariani himself wrote a book eulogising coca; and he gathered artefacts of, and material on, the coca-loving Incas. At home, he collected coke-taking paraphernalia. He also took up amateur horticulture and cultivated the coca plant in his garden.

        Coca wine made Mariani famous. Vin Mariani rapidly became the world's most popular prescription. Writers loved it. Anatole France, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, Jules Verne, Alexander Dumas, Robert Louis Stephenson, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and other literary luminaries all indulged freely. Composers such as Massenet, Gounod and Fauré gratefully honoured the Corsican druggist in their music. Vin Mariani was celebrated by royalty as well: by Queen Victoria; King George 1 of Greece; King Alphonse XIII of Spain; the Shah of Persia; and by William McKinley, President of the United States.

        A devotion to Vin Mariani transcended petty differences of religious dogma. The Grand Rabbi of France, Zadoc Kahn, was moved to exclaim: "My conversion is complete. Praise be to Mariani's wine!" Pope Pius X was an enthusiast, as was Pope Leo XIII. He gave coca wine an official seal of approval by awarding Angelo Mariani a special gold medal. In recent years, however, the Vatican has felt unable to reiterate its original endorsement.

         John Pemberton (1832-1888), the Atlanta-born creator of Coca Cola, was a keen pharmacist and coca-lover. He sought to combine the ultimate medicine and perfect drink in one glorious cocktail. Pemberton based his original drink on Vin Mariani. It was said to be "a most wonderful invigorator of the sexual organs". "Pemberton's French wine coca" proved singularly popular with American consumers. Coke was soon touted as "an intellectual beverage"; though not on the basis of controlled clinical trials.

         Atlanta introduced Prohibition in 1886. So Pemberton had to replace the wine in his recipe with sugar syrup. Thus 'Pemberton's French wine cola' became 'Coca-Cola: the temperance drink'.

        Official approval of coca-based tonics began to wane towards the end of the century. Unfortunately, people who were prescribed cocaine to combat morphine dependence were becoming addicted to both.

        In 1904, America's gathering moral panic about Drug Abuse led the manufacturers to remove the cocaine from Coca-Cola. It is now official Coca-Cola Company policy to deny the existence of cocaine in their orginal world-winning formula. The US Government later tried to compel the company to drop the name 'Coca-Cola' too. After protracted legal argument, the name was saved; but traditionalists claimed the drink itself never quite recaptured its original glory.

source >

Jan 20, 2013

Mariani Coca Wine

Voice, Song and Speech - Mariani Coca Wine
From Vin Mariani advertisement appearing in the 1884 book
Voice, Song and Speech by Lennox Browne, Emil Behnke


The wonderful properties of Coca are daily becoming more known, both as a general tonic and as a special fortifier of the throat and voice.

Coca (Erythroxylon Coca) is not, as is often supposed, Cocoa, but a shrub very much resembling Tea. It grows wild in South America, and is cultivated in Bolivia and other parts especially lor its leaves, which contain its Tonic and Ktitoralirt properties. Various methods have been tried for extracting these properties, but nothing has been found to succeed so well as a maceration of the leaves in wine.

A generous Bordeaux, of particular vintage and special character, has been employed in its manufacture. The reasons for its selection are that it contains only just the proportion of alcohol absolutely necessary to extract and hold in permanent suspension the mucilaginous, resinous, and essential atoms of the leaves, besides which it contains in its natural state small quantities of Iron and Tannin, which add to its general properties, but do not derange the digestive organs, or upset the system by the unpleasant astringent properties of most tonics. Further reasons are, that the wine when thus prepared is of very agreeable taste and pleasant aroma, and that it still contains the comforting and nutritious properties of a good Bordeaux. Unlike Quinine and many medical wines it can be taken for any length of time without fear of inflammation, or injury to the gastric juices. The beneficial effects of Vin Mariani have already been noticed in medical works, where it has been recommended to actors, barristers, clergymen, orators, singers, and to all who make great demands on the throat and voice.


COCA WINE (not Coco*)

Forms a very agreeable, and, according to the clinical experience of physicians in France, as well as in England, a very useful nervine stimulant. The value of Coca as an element of economy, as Manaud has judiciously named it, and as a similarly active agent in restraining waste, has been insisted on by Sir Robert Chrislison and many others. Coca wine is largely prescribed and used in France ; and it has been found generally valuable as a remedial agent in cases of nervous exhaustion, over-study, or excessive mental exertion. It has a certain reputat1on for enabling athletes to perform fatiguing feats without the usual amount of bodily waste, and will certainly be found considerably to alleviate the distress often incurred by students and others who are called upon to make considerable mental efforts.—British Medical Journal, May 5th, 1881.


We can speak very highly of Mariani's Wine as the most palatable and efficient preparation of coca leaves which has come under our notice. It is within our knowledge that when adm1nistered t , persons suffering from nervous exhaustion and extreme mental and bodily fatigue, it has proved most grateful and restorative. Singers, public speakers, students, and others, have found relief from mental and bodily strain from its use, and we arc inclined to think, as it becomes better known in England, it will be much more extensively employed.—Medical Record, June 15, 1881.

L'usage mode're' du vin .Mariani cst done utile aux hommes de cabinet fatigue's par un labcur CTcessif, aux convalescents dont un sejour prolonge' au lit aura aboli les forces musculaircs, aux diabetiques, dont les muscles ont perdu leur clasticite' et leur vigueur.—iiascttt des H&pitaux.


  Messrs. Roberts & Co., "Manh, 1881.
  76, New Bond Street.

" Dear Sirs,—As I have derived great benefit from the use of Mariani Coca Wine (taken some twelve months ago under medical advice,', I have no hesitation in recommending it as a vocal restorative to all who have to use their voice professionally. " Very truly yours,

vocal instructors were early Vin Mariani enthusiasts.

At the special recommendation of Dr. Lennox Browne, of London, I have tested carefully the " Vin Mariani, " and I recognize that its splendid eflfect upon the voice is extremely satisfactory, and almost instantaneous. For over two years I have tried it, ordering it to my pupils, both ladies and gentlemen, whom I had under my care for the development of the voice, and I have invariably remarked that when-ever they had any difl&culty in singing or elocution, the " Vin Mariani" enabled them to continue the lesson, which, without it, would have been utterly impossible. I have thus every reason to be glad that my attention was called to this wonderful preparation, and am convinced that all artists and orators will welcome it and be happy to adopt it.
Emil Behnke.

The late Dr. Elsberg recommended " Vin Mariani " to me when I had been suffering with hoarseness from a severe cold, and had a long New England tour before me. I found it to act like magic upon my vocal organs. I found it also an excellent nervine. I consider Mr. Mariani a benefactor to public speakers and singers.
Settie Blume.

After having given the " Vin Mariani " a fair trial, I have found it very beneficial for my exhausting profession, " teaching singing." It strengthens not only my voice, but my whole nervous system, that I can go through my heavy daily work.
Luisa Cappianl

It is with much pleasure that I send you my testimonial for your " Vin Mariani " and your " Elixir Mariani." During my professional career, I have been compelled to use both preparations, and know from experience that they are far ahead of any others manufactured. For toning the system and stimulating the vocal cords, they have no superior. I have come to rely upon them almost entirely, both during the many fatiguing hours of teaching and the various concerts I am called upon to participate in.
Francis Fischer Powers.

It is with special pleasure that I testify my most thorough appreciation of the excellent properties of the "VIN MARIANI." I have carefully watched its splendid effect upon the vocal bands, the mucous membranes, and the entire vocal apparatus, as likewise on the d'gestive organs and the system in general. I take it in small glassfuls before meals, and also occasionally during the day as a gargle, where it has proved itself most effective.
Max Alvary.

Very cheerfully I state that I would never be without " Vin Mariani," and that since I used same, never have suffered from hoarseness.
Minnie Palmer.

I have found nothing to so thoroughly effect its purpose as the "Vin Mariani."
Harry Paulton.

I consider your " Vin flariani " a most excellent tonic for both singers and speakers.
J. W. Parson Price.

I would like to recommend to every singer, or any one going before the public, the use of the most delightful ''VIN MARIANI." I am never without it ; it is always on my dressing-table
Jessie Bartlett-Davis.

Voice, Song and Speech
by Lennox Browne, Emil Behnke

Open Library

Jan 19, 2013

Quem planta combate o tráfico

Guia básico de cultivo doméstico

Este é um documento simples e explicativo sobre o processo de auto cultivo da canábis.
Baixe AQUI
Disponibilizado por: Sam & Mister Ganja

L'histoire des drogues

Kurt Hostettmann - Tout savoir sur les plantes qui deviennent des drogues
Favre | ISBN : 2828906868 | 2002-05 | PDF/DJVU | 135 pages | 29/3 MB

Depuis la nuit des temps, l'homme a été fasciné par les plantes, d'abord pour se nourrir, ensuite pour se soigner. Au cours de son histoire, l'homme remarqua aussi que certaines espèces végétales agissaient sur son esprit, son psychisme et lui permettaient de s'élever au-dessus de sa condition, de planer et parfois même d'entrer en communication avec les dieux. Ces plantes qui contiennent des substances psychotropes sont appelées drogues. Ce mot fait peur car il évoque souvent des stupéfiants qui engendrent la dépendance. Il est vrai que la consommation de plantes qui provoquent le bien-être, l'euphorie, le sentiment de se surpasser ou des hallucinations aboutit, une fois l'effet recherché touchant à sa fin, à l'irrésistible envie de recommencer.
Toutes les civilisations de tous les continents ont découvert et utilisé des plantes psychotropes tout au long de leur histoire : le pavot et le bétel en Asie, la coca en Amérique du Sud, le peyotl, en Amérique centrale, le cannabis en Arabie et en Europe et le khat en Afrique. En plus des plantes supérieures, il faut mentionner les champignons hallucinogènes comme l'amanite tue-mouches ou les psilocybes. Des substances chimiquement proches de celles des psilocybes se trouvent dans la sécrétion de la peau de quelques espèces de crapauds, ce qui conduit certains amateurs à lécher ces batraciens ! Un autre champignon, l'ergot de seigle, a conduit à la découverte du LSD.
Les plantes psychotropes ont permis à des personnalités (écrivains, poètes, compositeurs, peintres) de se surpasser et de devenir célèbres. Mais l'état de dépendance induit par chaque drogue et ses conséquences sont aussi discutés et commentés. L'attrait des drogues au début de ce nouveau millénaire est toujours aussi grand et des millions de personnes en consomment chaque jour dans le monde entier.
L'histoire des drogues est présentée dans ce livre d'une manière scientifique, mais accessible à tous avec de nombreuses anecdotes, comme celle des plantes qui permettaient aux sorcières du Moyen Age de voler sur un manche de balai ou celle des personnes qui se droguent en buvant l'urine de consommateurs d'amanites tue-mouches.
Cette mise au point recense les principales drogues d'origine naturelle, leur histoire, le hasard de leur découverte et les dangers que peut représenter leur utilisation. Ce livre est un avertissement destiné aux jeunes tentés d'expérimenter des nouvelles sensations, à ceux qui ont goûté aux drogues, aux parents, aux enseignants et éducateurs car il contient de nombreuses informations très utiles. Il s'adresse aussi aux médecins, biologistes, pharmaciens et à toute personne désireuse de s'informer sur un sujet qui concerne chacun.
Le livre est illustré par de nombreuses photographies en couleur des plantes traitées.
DL -   pdf (29 MB) :: djvu (3 MB)

Acid Dreams

Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain
"Acid Dreams. The Complete Social History of LSD The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond"
Grove Press; Revised edition (January 21, 1994) | ISBN: 0802130623 | 269 pages | PDF | 1,29 MB

From Publishers Weekly:
This fascinating study examines how the CIA tested LSD on unwitting residents of Greenwich Village and San Francisco. Of particular interest are profiles of Timothy Leary, LSD chemist Ronald Stark and others.

Book Description:
Acid Dreams is the complete social history of LSD and the counterculture it helped to define in the sixties. Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain's exhaustively researched and astonishing account-part of it gleaned from secret government files-tells how the CIA became obsessed with LSD as an espionage weapon during the early l950s and launched a massive covert research program, in which countless unwitting citizens were used as guinea pigs. Though the CIA was intent on keeping the drug to itself, it ultimately couldn't prevent it from spreading into the popular culture; here LSD had a profound impact and helped spawn a political and social upheaval that changed the face of America. From the clandestine operations of the government to the escapades of Timothy Leary, Abbie Hoffman, Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters, Allen Ginsberg, and many others, Acid Dreams provides an important and entertaining account that goes to the heart of a turbulent period in our history. "Engaging throughout . . . at once entertaining and disturbing." - Andrew Weil, M.D., The Nation; "Marvelously detailed . . . loaded with startling revelations." - Los Angeles Daily News; "An engrossing account of a period . . . when a tiny psychoactive molecule affected almost every aspect of Western life." - William S. Burroughs; "An important historical synthesis of the spread and effects of a drug that served as a central metaphor for an era." - John Sayles.

This ebook does not contain the photos of the original version

Jan 17, 2013

La edad dorada del opio

Una joven blanca educada y de buena familia comenzó a fumar opio a los dieciséis años en San Francisco en 1880, más tarde se convirtió en prostituta, se trasladó a Victoria, en la Columbia británica, y fue encontrada en un fumadero de opio en 1884 por la Royal Commision. La transcripción de parte de su interrogatorio lee como sigue:

P: ¿Por qué empezó a fumar opio?

R: ¿Por qué empieza la gente a beber? Problemas, supongo que ellos me llevaron al opio. Pienso que es mejor el alcohol. La gente que fuma opio no llama la atención; no dañan a nadie excepto a sí mismos, y en realidad no creo que lo hagan mucho.

P: ¿Y por qué lo fuma ahora?

R: Porque no tengo otro remedio; no puedo vivir sin el opio. En parte es por el tranquilo goce que me da; en parte por escapar del horror que me espera si dejo de fumar. Cuando fumo, todo está bien, puedo mantener la casa en orden. Me siento con energía y puedo trabajar como cualquier otra persona. No estoy nerviosa, no me siento enferma, ni siquiera siento la necesidad de fumar más opio.

P: Entonces, ¿por qué vuelve a él?

R: Ah, esa es la cuestión; llega un momento en que me fallan las manos, se me humedecen los ojos y lagrimeo, y ya estoy lista para caer de nuevo; entonces vengo aquí al fumadero y por un poco de dinero me pongo bien otra vez. Se dicen muchas tonterías del opio. Sin él la vida sería insoportable, no me quita la salud. Pero supongo que todos tienen sus propios problemas. Yo tengo los míos.

P: No deseamos ofenderla, pero ¿es usted lo que llamaríamos una mujer fácil?

R: Sí. Pero se equivocaría usted si imaginara que todas las mujeres que vienen aquí a fumar opio lo son. En San Francisco he conocido a gente de clase alta visitando estos lugares, y aquí en Victoria muchas personas respetables hacen lo mismo.

P: La gente de su clase, ¿es por lo general adicta al opio?

R: No. Es más aficionada al alcohol, y el alcohol les hace más daño. Beber excita las pasiones, mientras que el opio las calma; y cuando una mujer bebe, se convierte en presa fácil.

P: ¿Tiene usted algo que añadir...?

R: No; diría, de todas formas... que si los fumaderos de opio fuesen legales como lo son los salones donde se vende alcohol, una no tendría necesidad de venir a estos agujeros infames a fumar... Lo haríamos en bonitas habitaciones tumbadas en bonitos divanes, y esta degradación no tendría lugar. El gobierno que no permite salones de opio debería cerrar los bares y hoteles donde se vende vitriolo como si fuera whiskey y brandy, y donde los hombres se malogran con una rapidez y una certeza que está mucho más allá de las que pueda producir el opio.